
Do you want to decrease stress?

Do you want to reduce depressive symptoms?

Do you want to improve your general health?

Do you want to improve your memory?

Do you want to improve your emotional regulation?

This practice has been shown to help with all of those things and more! Our therapists use mindfulness in therapy to help you reach and maintain your therapy goals.

How can it help me?

Mindfulness has been researched and shown beneficial for chronic pain, illness (cancer), depression, anxiety, chronic health issues, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, and more. It has a wide array of benefits and can be easily integrated into your life through the guidance of your therapist. These benefits have even been shown on fMRI scans and EEG gets.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness promotes non-judgmental awareness of physical, mental, and emotional experiences in the present moment. By paying attention to these various parts of the human experience, in the here and now, fully, people can find acceptance of these experiences without feeling feeling out of control by any one of them. It has become so popular that it has a wider reach than therapy in America including in schools, the entertainment businesses, and in the military.

This practice may be guided and/or self directed, in order to maintain presence in this moment, through breathing exercises, guided imagery, body scans, meditation, gratitude journaling, and other subtle ways.

Still have questions? Read more about it on the blog.

Image of person holding a sparkler

How is it integrated into therapy?

Many different therapy techniques draw from Mindfulness practices including Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), EMDR, Somatic interventions, Dissociation interventions, and more.

All of the therapists at Mindful Way Counseling can integrate mindfulness into your appointments. 

Are you ready to get started?